cultura científica, ilustración y cómic, Sin categoría Fitoplancton 🌊 PELOPANTON 30 marzo, 2020 Diseñamos dos figuras para artículo científico de investigadores del IMEDEA – CSIC – UIB: Phytoplankton Orientation in a Turbulent Ocean: A Microscale Perspective Figure 1. A cross-scale view of the ocean spanning from linear gradients and microscale interactions (right), to top predators and mammals and regional circulation patterns (left and top). The scale at the bottom provides a reference of the spatial dimension in which the interactions between distinct organisms occur. The linear microbial landscape is embedded in a world of turbulent motions and progressively larger swirls.Figure 2. Idealized profiles of current speed and shear in the ocean and corresponding preferential cell orientation of non-motile and motile phytoplankton cells, including the formation of thin layers, in response to varying shear conditions. 14º Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible: VIDA SUBMARINA